Sunday, February 3, 2008

King of the Cage

Now that Mom is home from her big trip, I am anxious to show her my newest tricks. This week I even surprised myself when I finally made it to the top of my cage all by myself!

I've been thinking about how I could get to the top of my cage for a few weeks, especially after Dad took away the gate I used to climb to the top of my food cart. On Tuesday, I decided to push one of my play boxes over by my cage and I used it to jump on top. How easy!

But this morning, I learned I could jump up to the top without the help of a box!

It is pretty cool up here on top of my cage. It is really bouncy, but I can still stretch my legs!

There is only one big problem with my new trick. I haven't figured out how to get down from the top of my cage. Hmmm...I need to work on that. Mom, can you come rescue me?

Mom says I must be getting bigger if I can jump on top of my cage, but she told me she is worried I might hurt myself. I guess that means she doesn't really like my new trick. Maybe she will learn to like it as I get older.

Bye for now!