I didn't realize it was my birthday today until I woke up and found my cage and room decorated with colorful crepe paper. And as soon as I saw the paper, I heard my Mom say, "Happy Birthday Jackson Harering."

I really liked the colorful paper....it tastes SO good!

I guess my Mom and Dad have been preparing for my birthday for awhile now. First, I got this really cool water bottle as my present. Can you see the yellow duck floating in it?

Second, Mom and Dad made me this really cool cake in the shape of a bunny! The "cake" was a mixture of my pellet food and dried fruit on a plate of cilantro (Yum, Yum, Yum!). It also had a carrot "candle." Here's a photo Mom took of my cake right before she brought it to me.

Finally I moved on to the actual "cake."

Can you tell it was SUPER YUMMY??!!

Besides the water bottle, I got a new comb and a some chew stick treats. But more importantly, I got to spend time with my Mom. She just got home yesterday from her long trip to LA. Spending time with Mom is WAY better than any birthday gift!

I thought about sharing...but then I realized it is my special day...so I quickly pulled the carrot out of my cake and ran off with it. (Sorry Mom).

I didn't want Dad to feel left out, so I thanked him for the great cake and gifts.

Thanks for the great birthday party Mom and Dad. And thanks to the rest of my family and friends....especially my BunSpace friends.....for sending me birthday greetings.
Now if you will excuse me, I need to lick the cake off my paws. :)

Bye for now.